Creating Scientific Art with the Building for Kids
A Partnership with the Goal to Inspire Discovery and Play Through Art
On March 16, we had the opportunity to host programming at the Building for Kids in downtown Appleton! Our setup included a number of stations for kids to interact and play with different materials to create art to photograph.
**A BIG THANK YOU to our co-founder, Graham Washatka for all of his work and effort to develop each of the stations setup for the event!
Station One: Hair Gel, sandwich bags, food coloring
Station Two: Cooking oil, water, food coloring
Station Three: Baking soda, vinegar, and food coloring
Each station allowed the kids to interact with the different materials, create their own piece of art and then use light setups to take abstract photos of their creations. Our team was there to help kids with the art and to help the parents use their cell phone camera’s settings to best capture the abstract photos.
Our event started at 10:00 AM and by 9:50 AM all the tables were surrounded with eager kids ready to see what we had for them. From the moment we started, hundreds of kids interacted with our stations. As one of the volunteers at the event, I loved seeing how every age kid (from toddler to teens) interacted with the station materials to create their finished product. Lots of laughs and excitement were had and the term “scientific art” was coined by what I would guess was a six year old.
Midway through our time we were also able to enjoy the fantastic music by the Mariachi Paredes of the University of Texas. This also gave our group a much needed break and resetting of our stations after a very busy morning.
We had such a great time and hope that this is only the first of many future programming Photo Opp hosts with the Building for Kids. Thank you to the Building for Kids for having us we hope to continue expanding our partnership to support both of our missions to inspire discovery and build resilience through intergenerational play-based learning and exploration of the arts, sciences, and humanities and develop a welcoming community and inspire life-long learning through the lens of a camera.