Finding Community and Connection Through Photography

A guest blog by community member, Ben Bomier

Photo Opp’s mission is to develop a welcoming community and inspire lifelong learning through the lens of a camera. Our programs and offerings work toward our vision to elevate the appreciation of visual expression and nurture passion for life beyond the camera.

Collaboration and connection are at the core of Photo Opp, as we continue to develop and expand our programming, creating a welcoming environment for our community to explore the art or photo and video is vital. We hope to fuel career opportunities in the crafts of photography, videography, and other visual arts, while giving them a positive outlet for their innate and learned creativity. We will also offer opportunities for adult learners, especially those who may have had barriers to other employment.

One of our primary goals is community, to connect people through the arts. The following blog was written by community and Photo Opp member, Ben Bomier. 

One of the core tenets I hold in life is that truly, none of us are in this alone. When it comes to

artistry, this is doubly the case, with community being the bedrock of making good art happen.

This belief has been reaffirmed for me recently as I’ve stumbled into an unexpected community of photographers right in my hometown of Appleton.

I first found my love of photography in college as a passion project to balance out my schoolwork. As I got started, I came to appreciate the value of relationships with my peers in the arts community. The fellow student photographers I met shared advice, became friends, and had my back in photography and beyond. These relationships were how people learned skills, got job referrals, and grew as photographers, artists, and people.

Now living back in the Appleton area, I’ve found myself trying to navigate a place that is familiar, yet altogether uncharted. Recently, in scrolling on social media, an event caught my eye - a Community Photo Walk. My guiding habit of seeking community led me to attend this event and experience Photo Opp for the first time. Photo Opp’s Community Photo Walks are group outings that offer people the opportunity to explore their neighborhood with a camera in-hand and talk about the craft with other artists.

Photo Taken of Ben by Graham Washatka at our Brewery Photo Walk in May 2024

As that evening began, whatever first-time nerves I was experiencing were quickly put to rest. One of the first things I came to appreciate about the people at the Photo Opp was their knack for being inherently welcoming. Several of the more veteran members were quick to include me in conversation, collaborate with me on shooting, and make me feel like a group regular. 

In my experience, Photo Opp is an organization without pretense or exclusion, where the only ticket to entry is a passion for the craft and a desire to collaborate with your peers. Here, people understand that photography is not about the destination, but the journey, and that together we can push each other to accomplish more than we could alone.

Since this first connection with the organization, I’ve begun to truly find my footing with photography in the Fox Valley area thanks to the valuable connections I’ve made. I have been continually humbled by my interactions with fellow artists at Photo Opp in a way that inspires me to work harder and never stop learning new skills. This community of learners has ignited my curiosity, and I feel as though the lessons I’ve learned here are only just beginning.

Pictures taken by Ben Bomier on Photo Opp’s Appleton Brewery Photo Walk, May 2024

We are excited to share our upcoming programming, including our next Photo Walk in downtown Oshkosh. 

Check out Ben’s work at


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